What Lawson-Remer is doing is unusual because she isn’t focused solely on the next election. “What I hope comes out of this is that we beat Darrell Issa,” Lawson-Remer said. “What I hope we leave behind is a progressive infrastructure that can work on other important issues.”
From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Road Less Travelled
Read at The Economist
Dr. Lawson-Remer’s research on democratic transitions summarized by The Economist.
Wham! Bam! Comic Book Ads Target SEC Chairwoman
Read at Roll Call
The push for requiring publicly traded companies to disclose their political spending began in 2011 with a rulemaking request to the SEC brought by a group of law professors. Since then, more than 1 million comments have been filed in support of a rule.
Investor-State Dispute Settlement: The Arbitration Game
Read at The Economist
Dr. Lawson-Remer discusses the economic shortcomings and democratic deficit associated with investor state dispute settlement mechanisms.
The Resource Curse
Read at HBO VICE
Dr. Lawson-Remer explains the curse of natural resources now facing Papua New Guinea’s indigenous tribes, as multinational oil and gas companies converge on their fragile ecosystem.
Property and the Lady
Read at The Economist
“Property rights and economic growth may not always go together.” Recent land disputes in Myanmar are discussed in light of Dr. Terra Lawson-Remer’s study on property rights, growth, and conflict.
What America Thinks – The Islamic World
Read at Rasmussen Reports
CFR Fellow Terra Lawson-Remer and Michael A. Cohen of the Century Foundation discuss U.S. foreign policy and its relationship with the Islamic world.
What America Thinks – China
Read at Rasmussen Reports
Terra Lawson-Remer, CFR fellow for Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy, discusses foreign policy and its role in the 2012 U.S. presidential election as well as the relationship between the United States and China.
The G8 Summit: Three Things to Know
Read at CFR YouTube Channel
Ahead of the Group of Eight (G8) meeting at Camp David on May 18-19, Terra Lawson-Remer highlights three things to watch: Will the United States deliver on food security? Can the G8 advance the “Arab Spring” transitions? Growth vs. Austerity?
The Backlash: Zuccotti Park and Beyond
Read at FORA.tv
Terra Lawson-Remer discusses the international dimensions and engagement of civil society on issues surrounding the Occupy Wall Street protests.
A group of scholars have created a more rigorous and globally applicable human rights index for social and economic rights, called the SERF index.
Congress: Stop Funding Torture
Read at The Nation
In an open letter to Senator Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, lawyers, clergy and human rights activists voice alarm at mounting evidence of torture and human rights violations in Iraq and Afghanistan. For more information on their campaign, go to StopFundingTorture.com.
Target: Dissent
Read at The Village Voice
When cops play peacekeeper, free speech too often becomes the enemy.
The Banner Seen Around The World
Read at AlterNet
It was an audacious idea. Whack the Republican invasion of New York with a stiff upper cut, even before the R’s got off of their stool. Fire a preemptive shot seen around the world – and especially in swing states – that would strike the public imagination. Create and execute a clean, clear and inspiring act so cool that the media would be compelled to carry the message.
Plaza Climbers tell of Grim night in Jail
Read at The New York Times
The group of rappellers, called Operation Sibyl – in ancient Greece, a sibyl was a fortuneteller – but also known as the Plaza Four, said they had had a tough 25 hours in jail before they were arraigned on felony and misdemeanor charges of assault, reckless endangerment and criminal trespass. Judge Gerald Harris released them on their own recognizance yesterday despite the $2,000 in bail that the prosecutors had requested from each.
Activists Face 25 Years for Hanging Anti-Bush Banner
Read at Democracy Now
The New York police have charged four activists with two felonies for hanging a banner last week because a police officer was injured while reporting to the scene. Their attorney has accused the police of trumping up the charge in order to scare off future demonstrators.
The anarchists have not even had their day in the streets, but the protests surrounding the Republican National Convention have already kicked into high gear, with arrests at three events yesterday totaling at least 21, more than three times the number of arrests during the entire Democratic convention in Boston.
A new advocacy group is promoting socially responsible investment policies for American colleges’ endowments. The Responsible Endowments Coalition was started last month by students at Duke University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Barnard, Swarthmore, and Williams Colleges. Members include students and graduates of 22 prestigious institutions with combined endowments in excess of $56-billion, among them […]
Strange Marchfellows
Read at The Nation
The numbers and diversity of the April 20 protests in Washington represented a giant step forward for the antiwar movement. The weekend’s events dealt a lethal blow to the notion–stoked by media and government alike–that all Americans uncritically support George W. Bush’s policies and value Israeli lives more than those of Palestinians.
D.C. Protest Organizers Take On New Cause
Read at The Washington Post
The escalating violence in the Middle East has given a new emotional urgency to social activism, uniting a diverse mix of demonstrators headed to downtown Washington this week. Those opposed to global capitalism and the U.S. policies that support it, others who have decried the war in Afghanistan, and activists who objected to widespread arrests […]
Students Conduct Antiwar Rallies
Read at The Boston Globe
CAMBRIDGE – At least 10 college campuses in the Boston area and as many as 150 schools throughout the country held antiwar rallies yesterday, from MIT to the University of South Florida to the University of Alaska. In Harvard Yard, about 300 students gathered at the steps of Widener Library as speakers denounced President George […]
Spank the Bank
Read at The Village Voice
“Predatory lending is not unintentional,” says Terra Lawson-Remer, a cofounder of Student Alliance to Reform Corporations (STARC) and recent graduate of Yale. “It is a purposeful and strategic exploitation of poor people and people of color.” STARC, which has been on the forefront of anti-sweatshop organizing on campuses, has also recently decided to put the heat on Citigroup’s alleged predatory-lending and redlining practices.
Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Catch Our Anti-Corporate Puppet Show!
Read at Los Angeles Times
In a rolling, collective stream-of-consciousness critique, these anarchists, socialists, environmentalists and trade unionists will strive to illuminate every dark problem under the sun: the disproportionate number of blacks and Latinos on death row . . . Asian children earning $2 a day making chain-store clothes for yuppies . . . Occidental Petroleum’s efforts to displace the indigenous people of the Colombian cloud forest by drilling for more oil that will go into more cars that spew more exhaust and heighten global warming. If all this all seems unlikely to be changed by dancing and marching, just remember that anything is possible nowadays.
San Diego Teen Curfew Found Unconstitutional
Read at Los Angeles Times
A tough San Diego curfew law banning youths from hanging out in public after 10 p.m. is unconstitutional because it’s too broad, too vague and interferes with parents’ rights to raise their children as they choose, an appeals court ruled Monday.
Teens, Parents Challenge San Diego Curfew
Read at The Associated Press
Teen-agers and their parents filed a lawsuit Wednesday challenging the juvenile curfew that city officials claim has reduced crime in San Diego. “What is the good of a law that ensure the safety of the street when we are prisoners in our homes?” said 16-year-old Terra Lawson-Remer, a plaintiff in the federal suit. The curfew […]